This injury may be one of the most misunderstood injuries out there.
Golfers Elbow or “Medial Epicondylitis” is common in those who have to type for their job and those that work with their hands.
Over time the muscles that make up your forearm and whose action is to move the wrist and fingers originate at an elbow attachment.
If these bundles of muscles get overused long enough the muscle tissue and fascia can become wound tight. This tightness creates a pulling force where the tendon of these muscles meets the bone.
If the force lasts long enough, chronic inflammation will set in.
A lot of therapies only focus on wear it is painful. Injections at the site of pain, braces just below the area of pain, icing at the area of pain.
Even when muscle work is performed it is often only delivered to the painful area.
It is crucial for medial and lateral epicondylitis the entire muscle is addressed.