Knee Pain Symptoms:
The conservative care of knee pain is a great adjunct for those trying to stay active.
For 10 years our practitioners have treated knee pain. We are experts at knee pain because we have worked with running teams, competitive triathletes, and rugby players for years.
We appy the principles that we have honed over countless athletes to your knee pain.
The biggest misconception people have about knee pain.
– Knee pain is only from arthritis:
Too many don’t realize the difference soft tissue therapy on the knee can have for daily quality of life. The fascia and muscle insertions into the knee also have numerous of nerve endings that can cause pain.There is a time and place for orthopeadic intervention, but it is best to try conservative care first.
– Knee pain is only caused by where you feel it:
So many times during our detailed analysis of the knee we find that the arch of the foot or the hip muscles are not as stable as they need to be to support the knee.Pelvic misalignment is another very common cause of knee pain. If one pelvis bone is rotated anterior and another posterior it creates a rotation stress on not just the pelvis but also the femur. A rotated femur changes the way the joint hinges at the tibiofemoral joint or “knee joint.”
– Knee Pain just needs rest:
If you have myo-fascial scar adhesions you must get that area released by a trained practitioner to get your knee to full function again.
Common Causes of Knee Pain:
– Patellar tracking issues:
When the muscles of the lateral knee are excessively tight they will create an excessive pulling force on one side of the patella. Causing undue stress on the patellar tendon as it relies on the knee cap gliding in it’s track.
– Fibular head mobility:
Lack of glide of the joint between the two lower leg bones effects the biomechanics of the knee. This is often a culprit in lateral knee pain.
– Hip weakness:
If the gluteas medius is weak the pelvis won’t remain level and the IT band will have to engage in excess to compensate.