Our Center is founded upon integrating dynamic muscle release with spinal adjustments to get you the best results possible.
After spending years backstage with elite athletes we felt it should be everyones right to experience this type of care.
We combine
-kinetic chain analysis
-movement screens
-posture analysis
-muscle analysis
to create an overarching picture of where your imbalances are. This is light years ahead of the old school method of just looking at X-rays. Many times the root cause is the faulty communication of your nervous system in certain movement patterns.
For instance, there is a certain sequence upon which the gluteal, hip muscles, core muscles, knees and feet are supposed to fire in sequence during a walking stride.
A brain to body communication network that is supposed to happen with every step you take.
This is coordinated with certain joints moving in the pelvis, hip, knees and feet.
Our analysis can map out which muscles are not working properly that could lead to compensation and pain.

After you have received your examination you will have:
A muscle map:
What fascia, trigger points, tightness, and weakness are present in your Myofascial system.
An alignment map.
What joints are moving well, and which need help.

A Movement Plan:
What movements and exercises will help you move at your very best so you don’t need as many visits and can help yourself.
Our goal is to leave you with 10 core stretches that are perfectly tailored to your condition without overwhelming you with a laundry list of things to do each night.
Together these maps will designated which muscles need strengthened, which muscles are overactive, what joints aren’t moving properly, and what fascia has adhesions and stiffness.
We don’t just stop with our unique approach there.
We have over $20,000 invested into each treatment room in cutting edge stretch tables, muscle release tools and joint proprioceptive feedback instruments to give you a game changing approach to Chiropractic and muscle care.
Our tables stretch and bend to allow for dynamic release of the muscles and joints of the spine. This allows the joints and muscles to be stretched in vectors of motion that they have lost the range of motion to move in. Restoring motion in this way trains the brain to body connection and allows for restored disc motion, joint stretching and muscle release.
This is light years away from the 2 minute “crack” visit that you see on social media or on your local discount Facebook ad.
We were taught Muscle Therapy by the greats and then innovated to a groundbreaking technique, all in Greenville area.
Our team has trained backstage with the pro beach volleyball tour, pro surf tour, and has worked with ironman, LPGA and many more athletic arenas. But what we love most is to offer this to YOU, whoever you are.
We don’t want to just treat the elite athlete, we believe picking up a grandchild is as important an endeavor as any sports event!
Secondly we employ muscle therapy, trigger point therapy, muscle activation, and muscle nerve retraining in a technique call N.C.T. The Neurocellular technique.
This is BEYOND massage, this is resetting muscle patterns. This technique has been groundbreaking for neck issues, headaches, and shoulder issues.
We also see foot/ankle and knee issues a lot because of our team doctor status to Fleet Feet.
A KEEN eye for the root cause:
What value is there in getting to the root cause of your pain. One thing we hear from patients over and over is that we told them about areas of imbalance in their body that no one else had been able to find.
If you have been STRUGGLING, and you have been frustrated with your holistic or Musculoskeletal care you have been receiving give us a call! We know you will get the results you have been looking for.
If you want to know more, please call us at 864 448 2073
or to reach out by email click HERE