Myofascial Therapy (M.R.T.) in Greenville, SC
Are you new to the Greenville area and looking for a great sports soft tissue therapy center?
I have treated using Myofascial therapy, stretching, trigger point therapy, and corrective exercise for 10 years.
Because of the internet, athletes are more informed and are looking for someone to take a more “big picture” look. We have local runners, cyclists and hikers seek us out often because they have read up on myofascial therapy, graston or active release technique.
A bit of back story about myself. I practiced in Southern California for 9 years and trained with some of the top muscle and fascia therapists in the country. Working backstage at surfing events, roller derby, outrigger paddling, ironmans and many more events.
I have now created the “Day Method” which is a full body balacing approach. That combines addressing muscle, fascia, trigger points, muscle tightness, joint motion and muscle weakness. The detailed examination is more “functional” and involves dynamic motion, muscle mapping, strength testing, as well as posture and alignment.
Some common techniques patients are looking for that we have experience in:
Active Release Technique: although not certified in the technique. One of my mentors and good friends mentored me in the techniques and application. Thank you Dr. Jorge Guevara. If you are in California look him up!
We went on to work together to add to the technique and incorporate several other modalities to the treatment system that is Active Release technique.
Active Release Technique was invented by Dr. Mike Lehigh, sports chirorpactor to the Denver Broncos.
The mentorship formed a great base for all of my future training as this technique is all about actively moving the muscle through a functional range of motion while releasing the fascia and retraining the muscle to nerve communication
I was certified in Trigenics by Dr. Allen Austin D.C and it was a great catalyst in my soft tissue knowledge. This technique focuses more on the neurological signalling of muscle. When a muscle is tight it is only because a nerve is signalling it to be so. When a muscle is weak, the same reason.
Trigenics combined with Active Relase type motions or grade 4 M.R.T which I do is a magic combo.
Trigger points or “knots” are only hyper-excited bundles of nerve signals and inflammation. Trigenics taught to find the cause of the knot, and to better release it using breathing, muscle contraction and then relaxation.
Graston- or Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization. Is a method in which a tool is used to gently glide over areas of scar tissue. it is an amazing modality for tough to get to tendon injuries, plantar fascitis and chronic pain. Many times the fascia is implicated. Borrowing from chinese medicine technique of Gua Sha, I.A.S.T.M is all the range and a gold standard for treating muscle and tenon injuries.
Tim Brown’s soft tissue technique. The medical director of the world surf tour and A.V.P. Tim is world renown for his techniques and knowledge about the body. Luckily he let a W.V boy with a passion for surfing come and sit in on his practice for a day. It was life changing. His method of treating the whole body is a marvelous thing to observe and also to feel.
I had chronic neck and shoulder pain when I met him and he immediately went to release my pectoral and lat. I was so confused in my reductionistic thinking of why we was treating so far from my pain.
Tim introduced me to the work of Janda, and to look deeper and broader and the cause of people’s pain. He is a surfing and manual therapy master and his mentorship was a game changer.
I was then able to shadow and watch him work backstage at surfing events and learn his unique ideas on spiral movement patterns, taping, and functional hands on blend of soft tissue therapy and joint balancing.

Dr. Day with 11x champ Kelly Slater
Functional Examination/ Rehabilitation:
I was then introduced into the world of Dr. Craig Liebenson and his magnus opus that is “Rehabilitation of the Spine.” I don’t know the whole story, but in the 80’s Dr. Liebenson saw something special coming out of Prague. He sought out these practitioners and brought them to the campus of Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. The work of Vladimir Janda and Karl Lewitt formed the basis of his own approach for doing a more functional exam and all encompassing treatment of the body.
From him I learned that if you can find the movement pattern and sequencing issue you can save the patient a lot of soft tissue therapy and Chiropractic!
He talks a lot about how the body is not fragile, and even if the patient has herniated discs you can work with them to gain confidence again in the proper movements!
Out of the Prague school of thought was birthed many great techniques and Dr. Liebenson does an amazing job of giving credit to that group while forging his own set of approaches. His seminars are amazing and very hands on!
Dr. Leon Chaitow and his amazing work on fascia, breathing and joint alignment were very influential for me. It was an immense pleasure to recieve a hands on lesson treatment by him at a breathing seminar.
So many cases of chronic pain and fatigue are linked to breathing!
His lessons along with the teaching for Dr. Breugger helped me see the interconnections of anxiety, stress, fascia, muscle, and joint as it relates to breathing dysfunction.
By working hands on with a patient we have successfuly helped many utilize their diaghragms again and helped to balance their O2 to CO2 balance.
Dr. George Goodheart was the founder of Applied Kinesiology and along with many others mapped out small “nodules” in the muscles and patterns of weakness. Dr. Goodheart believed these were linked to organ systems and meridians similar to chinese medicine.
I do no practice AK but was heavily influenced by his approach of treating the whole body, not just performing a spinal adjustment.
Others that were influential in the diagnosis of “trigger points” to me were Kendall and Kendall, Ida Rolf, and Bonnie Pruden.
Trigger Point Therapy:
Amazing work has been done in the realm of trigger point therapy. Travel and Simons mapped out trigger points in their detailed textbooks, and the work has continued on with many other approaches.
Trigenics incorporates trigger point mapping and many trigger points are found to be in similar locations to Acupuncture points.
Yoga in all its forms:
Yoga has been an amazing addition to my life. The dynamic nature of breathing while moving the body is one of the greatest approaches to balancing the muscles, joints and fascia. By working at a Bikram yoga studio and taking numerous classes throughout my years of healing my injury I developed a firm grip on yoga and its functions.
My advantage is applying the stretch physiologically. Meaning that I know what muscles the stretch is working best and when done correctly what muscles a yoga pose activates.
We apply yoga stretch advice daily in practice and highly encourage patients to take classes.
Kettebells/ Movement Flow:
All of these categories I discovered around the same time. Kettlebells which as far as I know were introduced into the mianstream by Pavel Tsatouline have become one of the easiest ways to rehabilitate the gluteals and scapular muscles.
Kettlebells have transformed my grip strength and reversed a lot of pain I was dealing with from hands on therapy over the years.
The Turkish Get up could be one of the most complete exercises we have seen to date. Because of the spiral movements required and the rolling patterns it stimulates areas for active movers they don’t often use. We often teach beginner kettlebell moves to help “prime” a patients movement patterns back to health.
Movement Flow:
Our movements should be fluid, adaptable, and we should be able to move in all planes of movement well. So many in modern day that are bound to desks just end up “tight.” I have created a series of movements to better stimulate the naturall innate movement patterns you were designed for.
Using concepts from Tai Chi, Yoga, infant movement patterns, and normal joint range of motions we are able to turn back on long dormant movement patterns. These patterns are integral to injury prevention and healthy aging, but also sports performance.
Foundation Training:
Created by my good friend Dr. Eric Goodman. This method is a great way to help patients in one of their weakes areas, the posterior chain. It also aids the patient in what may be the most “forgotten” movement pattern we human suffer from with our constant sitting: the hip hinge.
Bringing it All Together:
When we blend these techniques with joint alignment and Chiropractic we have a magic combination to get the patient well.
Consumers are looking for a doctor that will look at the big picture and we strive to provide that by blending multiple disciplines.
If you are in the Greenville, SC we would love to consult with you. No matter the muscle or joint pain I know we can help.
I have treated over 30,000 cases successfully of those looking to MOVE BETTER. Knowing how to help humans MOVE better is one of my lifelong pursuits, and I guarantee you will get a detailed workup and treatment every visit!

Dr. Day with 3x world surfing champ Tom Curren
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