Have you always wanted to know the best foods for your health, but are confused when you walk through the market and buy the same foods you always do?
Nutrition in Greenville. Dr. Day gives market walkthroughs on healthy eating.
Have always wanted to try to detoxify or eat more healthy but aren’t sure where to start?
As a service to the community Dr. Day is offering a free market walkthrough this Monday at Earth Fare. This will help you get on the right track with EASY and AFFORDABLE foods and recipes.
When: 6:00 pm Monday, March 13th.
Where: Earth Fare Market on Pelham Drive.
You must reserve at 864-448-2073 or by emailing to drmichaelday@gmail.com
Dr. Michael Day DC has recently opened a Natural Health Center in Greenville, SC after practicing 9 years in California. He practice functional nutrition with his patients helping many get rid of chronic pain and illness through nutrition.
At his previous practice he helped hundreds of patients cut sugar and processed food with his Restoration Plan. read more about Restoration Dr. Day created this plan after healing from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with natural approaches.
Here was his recent talk about going on a sugar detox with healthy food substitutions on Studio 62.
Only 5 more spaces available!